
Free boy patterns updated!

Up on  my tabs I have a Free Boy Patterns link and in the tab I have a TON of boy patterns that are free, seriously over 100 patterns for boys! Not tutorials but actual patterns that you print out, big difference from a tutorial although those are great too ;0)

I have been revamping that page all month and I still have a lot of  things I am trying to change so be sure to keep checking to see what is new and please be patient as I switch things around to hopefully make it easier for everyone to find what they want! I know when I've searched for a pattern it was getting hard since there were soooo many to search through.

I have also been adding a new patterns as I find them!
A few new ones:

 (9) Name: 'Sewing : Cargo pants

Some people wonder why I spend so much time making patterns that are not mine available to others and I'll be honest; I have 4 boys and it has been extremely hard for me to be able to get excited about sewing for them. There are TONS and TONS of girl patterns and tutorials all over the web that are not only free but they are very easy to find! Those same things for boys have literally taken me years to find. I want others who have boys to be able to find free patterns so they can make fun things for their boys too.

With that in mind here is an easy way to share the Ultimate list I have come up with!
Note: these patterns are not mine please use each websites rules of sharing and copyright
Sew Boy