Sew Boy this week will be focused on clothing, I found some great tutorials so you can sew for the little guy in your life!
Lemon tree creations made a cute little tie applique! Great for dressing up, go here.

Kojodesigns shows how to turn pants that are to short into cuffed shorts, perfect for turning a winter wardrobe into a summer one!
I am a long time fan of crafterhours and they have a tutorial for making a ringer T-shirt! So cute for boys (and girls)!
I am so excited with this find! I am going to make one for P! A free pattern and tutorial for a summertime romper! Check it out!
Made by Rae shows how to turn a mans shirt into a boy sized one! Go here.

Ashley made the some seriously cute suspenders for her guy, all of her tutorials are great and this one is no exception, check it out!
If you've been featured feel free to grab a button on my side bar!
If you have an idea, a post of something boy on your own blog or found one you'd like to share, please let me know so I can add to the Sew Boy Week!