How was your mothers day? Mine was good My sweet husband bought me a rose, chocolate and a very nice candle (he knows i love all three!). I spent a good part of my time making HUGE curtains!

We are car-taking the home we are living in. The front windows were in dire need of new curtains, they had been up for 30 years and were disgusting! The window is huge almost 18 feet wide, 7 3/4 feet long and its a bay window. I couldn't use just any curtain rod, I had to, 1. reuse the old one or 2. buy a custom made rod, I chose the first option.

I made do with the old one by using part of the original curtain and covering it up so I could rehang it. You can barely see it underneath the white fabric at the top.

Its kind of hard to see but I had to poke these hooks through the curtain, the original part I saved and then hang them on this doo-hickey-thingy that attaches to the rod...Whew! I'm glad its done! The hardest part was figuring it out, the sewing wasn't too bad just straight lines.
It took 22 yards of fabric to make.