I had a lot of fun this KCW and used more challenging patterns than in the past. I didn't do as much as I had hoped but I did sew 4 shorts and 1 shirt. I am learning more and more that I am not a fast sewer I am slow mostly because I am a perfectionist and I can't just let something be it has to look just right (I'm working on not being so uptight about my work).
I made 4 shorts and 1 shirt, I would still like to tweak the red pair.

Above are my 2 favorite upcycles I did last week.
This is my most favorite outfit from kwc.
C loves it and I think it is sooo cute on him!
Currently my house is a disaster and my boys had to wear mismatched socks to school because somebody was busy sewing and didn't do the laundry ;o)
I can't wait until the next KCW challenge!